
Showing posts from December, 2022

How to write SOP

  A Statement of Purpose (SOP), is a reflection of your personality that you portray in front of the admissions committee (AdCom) for getting enrolled in universities abroad. It is your chance of impressing the committee by presenting your profile strongly through an essay that describes your personality traits, which are not covered in your academic documents. In this article, we will discuss: SOP Formats, Templates, and Guidelines for SOP Writing Tips for writing impressive SOPs Common Mistakes to avoid in SOP Importance of SOP Word Limits in SOP SOP Samples for different courses: UG, MS (Engineering), MBS SOP Samples for different countries: USA, UK, Canada, Australia Things to and not to include in SOP SOP FAQs What is SOP? An SOP is a long essay required by universities abroad and nowadays some of the Indian universities during the application process. As the full form of SOP reveals, a Statement of Purpose is an essay stating the purpose of applying to a particular course in a pa